Maadi Offices

3A 301 St, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt
19 252 St, Degla Maadi, Cairo, Egypt

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+20 102 999 9086
+227 535 452

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HR Outsourcing

With over 15 years of experience in outsourcing, SSC Egypt is positioned to provide a wealth of services to clients worldwide. Not only do we offer our clients the ability to efficiently recruit and manage their staff, but we can do so in a professional, structured setting.

Moreover, SSC Egypt's outsourcing division is specifically designed to cater to the growing needs of international employers. Staffed by an experienced HR team and retired government employees, we are always ready to provide reliable, comprehensive solutions.

Human Resource Outsourcing

SSC Egypt’s services covers the employees entire life cycle, from hiring to offboarding. Whether the employee is working on a temporary or permanent basis, our professional HR team will be ready to handle all of the necessary work. This includes:

  • Managing monthly payroll
  • Administering benefits programs
  • Managing health care packages

Thanks to the unique experience of our team of retired government employees, we can also ensure fast submission of all government documents, proper follow-up on all procedures, and strict compliance with all applicable regulations.

At SSC Egypt, our outsourcing services are intended to be an all-inclusive solution. This is why we have integrated multiple HR processes into one service bundle. From managing the registration of outsourced staff to handling salary, benefits, payroll, and promotions, we can now cover all aspects of outsourcing employment at once. In fact, we can even implement performance management and correctional solutions while simultaneously ensuring statutory compliance. 

The Benefits of Employee Outsourcing

Outsourcing currently provides countless companies with solutions to their ever-changing employment needs, and our firm was the first company to offer comprehensive outsourcing in Egypt.  Among the many benefits SSC Egypt can offer your business, the most notable are:

  • Flexible employee management solutions
  • Improved efficiency
  • Reduced overhead costs
  • Scaling and growth flexibility
  • Direct human resources control

It’s also important to remember that Employee Outsourcing is a mutually beneficial enterprise.

Benefits for Global Companies:

  • Shortened time-to-market for new products
  • Reduced legal and regulatory compliance
  • Reduced overhead
  • Reduction in home country headcount

Benefits for Local Companies:

  • Provides much-needed cost reduction
  • Reduce the risks inherent in meeting local requirements

For many businesses, HR activities are only a supportive function of their overall strategy. By partnering with SSC Egypt, you can provide your team time to focus on core business strategies while letting us handle HR. This is especially beneficial for businesses that lack a dedicated HR department.

In no time, you’ll be able to do the following:

  • Eliminate the need to hire dedicated payroll staff
  • Ensure employees behave in full compliance with all laws and regulations
  • Reduce time spend on health care benefits and claims

At SSC Egypt, our goal is to provide our clients with much needed day-to-day HR support. Not only do we help cut costs, but we make it much easier to manage your team both at home and abroad. Get your HR team the support they need to focus on value-adding initiatives while streamlining your entire operation. Contact SSC Egypt today.

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